Wednesday 6 July 2011

June 6th, Day Three

The TED talk we watched on Sugata Mitra was amazing!  His work in the field of technology contributes to shaping the world as a "global village." The notion that we can build internet ports in parts of the world that lack proper teachers as a means to educate children is truly inspirational. 

After the video we explored a variety of software that could be useful in a classroom.  Jean demonstrated how to use Jing as a way to upload photo's and/or instructional videos into a Learning Management System.  He also showed how Titanpad can be used in conjunction with Wordle as a way to visually represent a brainstorm in a way that weighs words according to importance.  He then described a variety of Learning Management Systems: D2L (used by the CBE), Moodle (used by Alberta's Francophone schools), Blackboard (used by the U of C) and Wikispace (which we used today to create our own LMS).  The wikispace website is user-friendly: even I, a self-proclaimed techno-phobe felt relatively stress-free while building my first wikispace!

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