Tuesday 12 July 2011

July 12: Day 7!

For the first hour of today's class we worked on finishing our movie from yesterday.  Kelly, Charlotte and I were almost finished our movie when we run up against a roadblock: we had somehow messed up our transitions, had saved them as 1 second long, and could not undo what we did, even with the fantatstic help of Victor and Jean.  Oh well, Kelly and I both agreed that we somehow carry a technology curse with us whenever we are near a computer!  That's alright, with a bunch of steps redone, we finished our movie (finally).
For the rest of the class, Jean demonstrated the various things we could do in our classroom with Smart technology.  It was interesting, however, it was not directly practical for me as my school does not have any Smartboards.  I did appreciate the National Library of Virtual Mathematics site that we explored; it could be useful even without a Smartboard.  I especially liked the base10 block virtual manipulates that students could play with. 

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