Monday 4 July 2011

EDER669.73: June 4th, the first day of class!

I found the first class of EDER 669.73 both informative and slightly frustrating, due to my lack of confidence when it comes to technology.  While outlining the long list of projects we will encounter in the next two weeks, our instructor, Jean Larouche assured us that we will tackle the majority of the work during class time.  This reassured me in several ways: 1) I am taking a morning class in conjunction with EDER 669.73 so have little free time to spare. 2) I am currently living in a house that is empty of not only furniture but also an internet connection, making technology homework a difficult task. 3) I predict that I will find the work much easier to accomplish with classmates and my teacher around for help!

A quick bio of myself: I am a grade 4/5 teacher from Vancouver, BC.  I have been a teacher for the last nine years and enjoy the job a great deal!  My school has very limited access to technology (we have an outdated compter lab and no Smartboards).  I live with my fiance and my Boston Terrier, Yogi.  I enjoy hiking, running, knitting and rock climbing.       

1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoy these few weeks in Calgary and that the weather stays nice for you!
